We love: ring holders & catch alls

For a charming engagement gift, we love ring holders and catch-alls.

The significance of having a special place to keep your wedding ring is often overlooked, but we love the sense of ceremony a ring holder brings.

Taking off your wedding rings becomes a sweet little ritual when you take a second to keep in in a place of it’s own, apart from clutter.

Here are a few that caught our eye.

The whimsical, umbrella shaped ring holder.

The romantic message ring holder.

The magical, feminine ring holder.

Here’s a cool one, handcrafted in Brooklyn.

And a few for the men (or women who like things a bit less frilly).

The rugged stag ring holder.

And a sophisticated catch-all.

If you’ve seen any you love, please share in the comments!

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Image, The Hayley Wedding Set.