ask jeff cooper: wedding day rain & cool umbrellas

Rain on your wedding day is actually considered good luck, according to Hindu tradition!

In Italian they say, Sposa bagnata, sposa fortunata, or Wet bride, happy bride. So why are we so worried about it? The hair, the makeup, the dress, the pictures.

Outdoor weddings are so beautiful and trendy, but there’s a great deal left to chance!

We were inspired to write this by the incredible wedding photographer Heather Jagger, who shot a friend’s wedding recently and she wrote, ” It rained all day but it only seemed to make it better somehow.”

So before we get any further, look at this. Beautiful, right? Your wedding will be, too!

Just prepare a little, then don’t worry. Like the Beatles said, Love is all you need. That is what makes or breaks a wedding, not a little (or a lot of) rain!

First tip: Wedding day makeup is a special genre and has to be danceproof, cryproof, hugproof and cakeproof, anyway. Everyday makeup doesn’t always cut it, so be prepared, and be a good sport, and all they’ll notice is you.

Second tip: Do your research.

Third tip: Rain (or potential rain) is a great excuse to express your style. There are cheeky umbrellas. Umbrellas that create an amazing pop of color in your pictures. And statement umbrellas like this or this.

Fourth tip: You may as well splurge on some chic boots, too! The blue gloss would make an amazing “something blue.”

Tip five is really the only tip you need: If it rains on your wedding day, own it!

Featured Image via Jagger Photography.

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